Enjoy Your Time During Your Next Holidays in France While Shopping Tax-Free

Enjoy Your Time During Your Next Holidays in France While Shopping Tax-Free

Everyone likes to save money when they make their travel plans, but don’t forget it’s possible to save money once you get there too, with VAT refunds.

Whether you’re looking for the perfect gift for your beloved, a gourmet who loves to bring home the finest local delicatessen, or just someone who enjoys a winter shopping trip, the ZappTax app is ready to help with all your purchases.

While you might think it’s a complicated process, ZappTax makes it easy, offering a quick and easy-to-use method for getting the best refund rate available in the market. Visit our website to know more about Tax-free shopping, we’re here to help.

Enjoy your vacation!

A man looking at a laptop

Simple and easy to use, courtesy of ZappTax

Simple and easy to use

When shopping, prior to payment, simply ask for a VAT invoice in the name of ZappTax”. Merchants must issue VAT invoices when requested. Then take a picture of these invoices and add them to the ZappTax application.

An array of yellow clothes

All purchases refunded, courtesy of ZappTax

All purchases refunded

Once you have completed all your purchases, request your tax refund form on the app. This will be sent to you by email and will also be available in the application.

A person scanning a screen with their phone

Simplified validation, courtesy of ZappTax

Simplified validation

Validate this form (in France and Spain, directly from your smartphone at a self-service kiosk; in Belgium, by showing your passport to a customs agent) when leaving the European Union.

A watch face

Higher & faster refund, courtesy of ZappTax

Higher & faster refund

Once your documents have been validated, you will receive a refund of your VAT, using the payment method of your choice.

The ZappTax application is available on the App Store and on Google Play

App StoreApp Store

Lead photo credit : Shop tax-free with ZappTax, courtesy of ZappTax

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More in Tax Free France, Tax Free Holiday, Tax Free Shopping, Zapptax

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