The language of l’amour: 8 French expressions about love

Avoir un coup de foudre
Literal translation: to have a lightning strike
To fall madly in love
Avoir un coeur d’artichaut
Literal translation: to have an artichoke’s heart
To be a hopeless romantic
En pincer pour quelqu’un
Literal translation: to pinch for someone
To have a crush on someone
Avoir un ticket avec
Literal translation: To have a ticket with
To have a thing for someone
Vivre d’amour et d’eau fraiche
Literal translation: to live of love and fresh water
To live on love alone
Être fleur bleue
Literal translation: to be a blue flower
To be sentimental
Faire battre le coeur de quelqu’un
Literal translation: to make someone’s heart beat
To set someone’s pulse racing
And 3 that aren’t quite so positive…..
Se poser un lapin
Literal translation: to set down a rabbit
To stand someone up
Se prendre un râteau
Literal translation: to pick up a rake
To get knocked back
Se faire larguer
Literal translation: to be released
To get dumped
Être un coeur a prendre
Literal translation: to be a heart to take
To be looking for love
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